The Lovers Are Love Worshippers

The Lovers Are Love Worshippers

You cannot ask the lovers what their religion is
The lovers are love worshippers
They cannot be interpreted to the burning fire
The lovers are love worshippers

Their religion is love, their faith is love
Their heart is ship, their port is love
Love doesn’t accept suspicion
The lovers are love worshippers

Love is all night and day long
Love is the combining of the lovers
Love is the ship going to God
The lovers are love worshippers

This is the situation of Vefai
His qibla¹ is the face of the darling
He has found the perfection by the love
The lovers are love worshippers

(Mustafa Kilcik)

[Translated from Turkish by Serkan Engin]

¹ qibla: the direction of the Kaaba shrine in Mecca toward which all Muslims turn in ritual prayer.


The original poem/song in Turkish:

Aşıklara Din Sorulmaz

Aşıklara din sorulmaz
Aşıklar aşkperest olur
Yanar odlara yorulmaz
Aşıklar aşkperest olur

Dini sevgi imanı aşk
Gönlü gemi limanı aşk
Kabul etmez gümanı aşk
Aşıklar aşkperest olur

Leyl-û nahar demidir aşk 
Aşıkların cemidir aşk
Hakka giden gemidir aşk
Aşıklar aşkperest olur

Vefai’nin budur hâli
Kıblesi canan cemali
Aşk ile buldu kemâli
Aşıklar aşkperest olur

(Mustafa Kılçık)
