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2015 International Poetry Auto-Almanac of Serkan Engin

2015 International Poetry Auto-Almanac of Serkan Engin
The poem of Serkan Engin named “Barbarian and Ms. Daisy” which is the first poem in history written by a Turkish poet for the victims of Armenian, Assyrian, Greek genocides and had been published in the scope of the Armenian Poetry Project coordinated by Armenian-American poet Lola Koundakjian has been translated into Swedish by Swedish poet Yael Hanson.
USA based international quarterly literary journal has been published the article of Serkan Engin on poetry theory named “Imagist Socialist Poetry and Objective Reality” and also two poems of Serkan Engin named "There is no God except Me" and "The G Point of the Night" all together at the 3. issue.
The thematic poetry anthology “Poeming the Pigeons” including the poem of Serkan Engin named “I Kissed You With Sparrows” has been published in Portland, Oregon USA on 4 May with a cocktail party.
USA based international quarterly literary journal "The Tower Journal" has published two articles of Serkan Engin on poetry theory named “Imagist Socialist Poetry and Objective Reality” and “What is Poetic Imagine?” together (The Tower Journal/ Spring-Summer 2015, Volume 7, No. 2).
Indian poet-academician Dr. Ampat V. Koshy has used as sample the poem of Serkan Engin named “Love Fucked My Mom, Baby” -which had been taken to the thematic anthology in USA named “Men's Heartbreak Anthology” last year- for his article on psychoanalytic criticism of poetry named “Reading, the Reader and Readers.” published on UK based international literary web site “Destiny Poets”.
International multi-lingual literary web site “Shabda Shikha" coordinated by Nepalese poet Pramod Pramod has published the article of Serkan Engin on poetry theory named “What is Poetic Image?”.
The poem of Serkan Engin named “Love in Every Language” has ben translated into Bengali language by Bengali poet Saif Ibne Rafiq.
Italy based multi-lingual art web site “Marguette” has translated the article of Serkan Engin on poetry theory “Imagist Socialist Poetry and Artistic Reality” and has published both in Italian and English.
Indian poet-academician Dr. Ampat V. Koshy has asked Serkan Engin to translate his poem named “Today, I finally found you” into Turkish and this translation of Serkan Engin has appeared on UK based international literary web site “Destiny Poets”.
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