Aphorisms of an Imagist Socialist Poet

  Aphorisms of an Imagist Socialist Poet

1- There is no objective meaning of being existed, it is what you give.

2- The thing which determines the whatness of a person is not only the objective conditions which he/she is born in, but the resultant of the objective conditions and his/her action preferences. The person constructs himself/herself “according to” or “despite of” these conditions.

3- Freedom is taking responsibility of your own existence without handing  it over to someone else and spending the intellectual and actional labour which is needed by that responsibility.

4- The truly free person is the one who has destroyed all the idols on his/her mind, the others remain being slaves.

5- The biggest success in your life is being able to destroy all the dogmas which you are born in. Only knowing is not enough for this, you need enough courage to question the things which are told you as being correct, also will of innerI am n struggle and intellectual labour in this direction.

6- No matter what religion they believe in, the true god of most people is their own ego.

7- Power is the most dangerous phenomenon in both capitalist and socialist societies, and the more it is shared among people, it becomes less dangerous.

8- I am not my race, my nationality, my gender, and the religion I was born in. I am not the official ideology that I was forced to Öney since my childhood. These are not me, I am what I have chosen to be. I am what I have constructs nyself as.

9- Poetry (art in general) is first and foremost and ethical issue.If you do not have an ethical struggle, if you don’t stand upright without allegiance to the power centers of the poetry, if you don’t refuse to exploit the poetry for your filthy personal interests, you can only be a jester playing with words.

10- In broad daylight, I am looking for qualified poetry with an aesthetic lantern, and a dignified poet with an ethical lantern.

11- The who doesn’t have a poetic and ethical fight, has no poetry.

12- I don’t write poems, poems make me write themselves. My job is being accumulated to poems.

Serkan Engin 
